Argentina si Uruguay – ipocrizie
Semnatura Ambasadorului argentin surprinde. Argentina isi are problemele ei. Probleme de coruptie politica mai serioase decit Romania si probleme de incalcare a drepturilor omului mult mai serioase ca Romania. Doar anul acesta fostul presedinte al Argentinei, dna Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, a fost data in instanta pentru spalare de bani si frauda de pina la 3,5 miliarde de dolari. Ziarele din Statele Unite, in special New York Times, scriu frecvent despre coruptia politica din Argentina care pare a fi mai mult un stat mafiot ori bananier decit un stat de drept care ar putea fi un exemplu de integritate politica si morala pentru alte tari.
Si tot recent, copiii fostei presedinte au fost si ei actionati in instanta pentru presupus furt si evaziune fiscala de pina la 35 de milioane de dolari. Sumele implicate la politicieni romani acuzati de furt ori evaziune fiscala sunt mici in comparatie cu nivelul de excrocherie fiscala practicat de clasa politica a Argentinei. Deasemenea, mai putin cunoscut este ca, la fel ca si romanii, argentinienii si ei ies in strada sa protesteze coruptia politica din tara lor.
Argentina nu e inocenta nici cind e vorba de drepturile omului si toleranta. In Secolul XIX Argentina si-a masacrat aproape pina la extinctie populatia indigena. Apoi, vreme de doua decenii, in anii 70 si 80, ea a fost un cimp de batalie, intr-o stare de razboi civil pe parcursul caruia armata Argentinei a ucis zeci de mii de oameni, si alte mii au disparut fara ca cineva sa le fi dat de urma pina astazi. Torturarea detinutilor era de ordinea zilei. Torturarea preotilor catolici, acuzati de marxism, a fost in special intensa, multi dintre ei fiind ucisi ori dati dispaturi. Centrele de tortura si detentie din Tucuman si Trelew erau notorii pe acele vremuri. Indraznim, deci, sa spune ca Argentina nu e un model de respectare a drepturilor omului asa cum tinde sa indice semnatura dlui Ambasador.
La fel micutul Uruguay. Socant, dar de netagaduit, micutul Uruguay, tara vitelor si a turismului occidental! Uruguay nu e nici el un model moral cind e vorba de drepturile omului. In anii 70 si 80 Uruguay, la fel ca Argentina, se afla intr-un razboi civil care a rezultat in uciderea a mii de oameni de catre guvern si armata.
Terorismul urban de stanga era la moda pe vremea aceea si mai ca nu trecea o luna fara ca sa citim in presa despre un act tetorist comis de teroristi. In timp, teroristii anilor 70 si 80 si descendentii lor au ajuns la putere in Uruguay, si in ultimii zece (10) ani, au transformat Uruguayul in cea ma „progresista” tara din America de Sud.Printre altele, intr-un timp relativ scurt, a legalizat avortul, casatoriile homosexuale, marijuana si alte practici „progresiste” tipic intilnite in Europa Ocidentala.
Ne obisnuim cu ofensele
Din nefericire, noi romanii ne-am obisnuit cu comportamentul jignitor al ambasadorilor straini care constituie o incalcare flagranta a normelor internationale de conduita si a relatiilor diplomatice. El a devenit un ritual anual al insultei la adresa Romaniei, a noastra a romanilor si in mod special a miscarii pro-familie din Romania. Multi dintre noi citim anual aceste stiri, suntem ofensati si indignati, dar raminem nepasatori. La fel, autorităţile trec cu vederea amestecul ambasadorilor străini în treburile interne ale ţării.
Noi, insa, nu am ramas indiferenti. Pe 23 mai am adresat o notă Ambasadorului Argentinei la Bucureşti şi Ministerului Afacerilor Externe al Argentinei solicitând dlui Ambasador să-şi retragă semnătura până pe 12 Iunie. Am motivat solicitarea din perspectiva bunului simţ, al dreptului internaţional, şi al suveranităţii naţionale. Am atenţionat pe dl Ambasador şi Ministerul de Externe al Argentinei că în cazul în care nu se dă curs solicitării, vom publica corespondenţa noastra pe Facebook. Nici dl Ambasador nici Ministerul Afacerilor Externe al Argentinei nu au răspuns. In consecinta informam pe toti cititorii nostri de actul insolent al diplolatiei argentine in tara noastra. Redam paragrafe din correspondenta, iar scrisoare poate fi citita in intregime aici. Nota a fost semnata de dl Petre Costea.
Adresa catre dl Ambasador
„May 23, 2017: Your Excellency: Last week you signed, along with ambassadors from a host of countries, a Declaration in support of the pride parade which took place in Bucharest on May 20, 2017. In doing so, you and the Republic of Argentina have offended 25 million Romanians worldwide, primarily in Romania, the Republic of Moldova, Western Europe, and North America. This sort of repugnant international behavior has now become an annual ritual, where clusters of countries from around the world sign declarations accusing, more or less directly, the people of Romania of homophobia and transphobia. This presumption is not only inaccurate, but utterly unwarranted. It constitutes impermissible stereotyping, and it stigmatizes all Romanians collectively as a nation. It blots their national dignity. Stigmatization inevitably leads to marginalization. This conduct, Mr. Ambassador, is wrong on several levels.
First, it is not your role as Ambassador to pass judgment on the feelings citizens of other countries have with respect to various issues. The issue to which your signature lent support in the Declaration is not black and white, but one on which fair minded people respectfully differ. By officially throwing your weight and the weight of your country behind the Declaration, you implicitly condemned those who dare express a different view on a highly moral and controversial issue. Just like you, I have also been trained in diplomacy, and one of the fundamental principles we learned in diplomacy school was to respect the feelings of the citizens of the countries in which diplomats are posted and not to offend them. The role of an Ambassador is to connect states qua states, and communicate matters of mutual concern between them. It is not to lecture the people of a foreign nation in matters of morality and on which rational people differ. It is not to arrogantly convey a position of superiority, by implying that, in this case, you or Argentina stand on higher moral ground, possess such a stellar record on human rights and have never fallen short of your own commitments to human rights, that you have attained the moral position to lecture the people of Romania. Mr. Ambassador, this is highly inappropriate and offensive.
Second, I doubt that in signing the Declaration you expressed the true feelings of your nation on the matter. I doubt you had their approval or consent to sign the Declaration. I know this because I have been to Argentina a number of times and have a fairly good take on how socially conservative the Argentines are. They are very nice, polite, humble, and friendly. I have met the warm people of Ushuaia, the hospitable people of Rio Gallegos, the very nice people of Esperanza, the amazingly hard-working gauchos of Patagonia, the deeply religious Argentines of Viedma, the committed Christians of Bariloche, and others like them in Comodoro Rivadavia, Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, and many other places which do not come to mind as I write. I have worshipped with some of them in their churches and have been to the homes of some of them. Mr. Ambassador, if you truly represented the people of Argentina in Romania you would not have interfered in the domestic affairs of a sovereign state.
Third, I strongly suspect that you signed the Declaration to curry favor with the European Union on behalf of your Government. If so, your action was insincere and motivated by political expediency not conviction. In which case it was hypocritical. It may be that in signing the Declaration you scored points with the European Union, but you scored no points or good will with the people of Romania. Please understand that they, too, have dignity, constitute a sovereign state, a sovereign nation, and the rules of diplomacy do not allow you to subvert their dignity or sovereignty.
Fourth, Argentina is not in a position to lecture Romania or the rest of the world in matters of human rights and tolerance. Please look into your own country’s past and present and spot your own human rights deficiencies. Argentina nearly exterminated all of its native population toward the end of the XIX Century, and today your country discriminates against Evangelicals. Shamefully, in 2013 Argentina was the object of a scathing Amnesty International Report on the abuses of the rights of indigenous people: Indigenous Peoples of Argentina: We are strangers in our own country []. What credibility then does Argentina have to sit in judgment of another nation?
And this takes me to the end of my correspondence. I respectfully ask you Mr. Ambassador to retract your signature from the Declaration, both on your own behalf and on behalf of the Republic of Argentina. Equally respectfully I ask that in the future Argentina refrain from taking positions or signing any Declarations or statements related to Romania’s internal affairs or pass judgment, either explicitly or implicitly, on the positions which its citizens take on matters of conscience and conviction. Romanians do not tell the Argentine people how to live their lives or pass judgment on the state of human rights in their country. Romanians expect no less from the Argentine people and, especially, from you. This is particularly offensive because Argentina is not even a member of the European Union.
I respectfully ask that I be informed of the retraction no later than June 12, 2017. I would like to maintain this correspondence private, but if there is no positive action on your part by that time, I will disseminate my note in the social media. Within weeks thereafter, Romanians all over the world will be asked to commence a social media campaign denouncing your action and that of the Republic of Argentina. I certainly hope we will not get there. It would be wise for this incident to end, privately and honorably, and for you not to be confronted with the embarrassing situation of having to dishonorably leave Romania under pressure from its citizens.
Romanians have taken too much flak from everyone during their history and for far too long. The Turks beheaded them, Austrian imperialism and Nazi Germany denuded their land of its riches, the Soviet Union did the same from 1945 to 1989, Soviet communism tried to indoctrinate them in how and what to think, and, since December 1989, they have been continuously lectured by the European Union. It is hard to accept that in 2017 this lecturing still continues, and especially that now it is also coming from thousands of miles away, from a country that is not even a member of the European Union. Once more, we respectfully ask that this stop.
Please forward a copy of my correspondence to Argentina’s Foreign Ministry. We will withhold launching our social media campaign pending resolution of this matter. Should we not be able to do so, or should we not hear from you timely, we will alert the media in the United States as well as in Argentina.”
Actiuni similare AFR din trecut
Probabil ca unii dintre cititorii nostri isi amintesc ca AFR a facut demersuri similare de mai bine de citiva ani. Am inceput cu Cehia. Am facut demersuri similare si am primit raspuns din partea Ministerului de Externe al Cehiei, asupra caruia v-am informat la vremea potrivita. Am facut demersuri similare si impotriva Croatiei. De fapt, am lansat si un boicot al produselor Croatiei vandute pe piata Romaniei. Demersurile noastre si eforturile voastre au dat rezultate. In lista semnatarilor de mai sus Croatia nu mai figureaza si nadajduim sa nu mai figureze niciodata. La fel si Africa de Sud. In schimburi de corespondenta electronica private cu Ambasadorul Africii de Sud de la Bucuresti i-am solicitat, in mod respectuos, sa-si retraga sematura. Am punctat in corespondenta noastra faptul ca Africa de Sud nu are statura morala sa ne dea lectii in toleranta, sa ni se simta superioara, ori un model de respectare a drepturilor omului.
Dupa o vreme, dl Ambasador a raspuns pozitiv si de atunci Africa de Sud nu mai semneaza Declaratii care insulta Romania. Iar noi ne-am tinut de cuvint. Am promis dlui Ambasador sud-african ca daca isi retrage semnatura nu vom publica corespondenta noastra cu dinsul ori demersurile noastre. De atunci au trecut multi ani si nu suntem la curent cu identitatea actualului ambasador sud african de la Bucuresti. Cu toate acestea, multumim Ambasadei Africii de Sud ca ne respecta sentimentele, mandria nationala si, mai ales, suveranitatea nationala.
Rugaminte si ce puteti face
Ne-ati ajutat privind Cehia, Croatia si Africa de Sud. Fara ca sa fie in zadar. Va rugam sa ne ajutati si privind Argentina. Va rugam sa transmiteti prin email urmatorul mesaj dlui Ambasador si Ministerului Afacerilor Externe al Argentinei, cu subiectul: „2017 Bucharest pride parade”.
Dear Ambassador Alvarez de Toledo:
I have become aware that in May you signed a Joint Declaration, along with ambassadors from other countries accredited to Bucharest, in support of the „pride” event which took place in Bucharest on May 20, 2017. Your action surprised me and, unfortunately, offended me, as it has offended most people of Romania. I view your action as one of interference in Romania’s internal affairs, and as one which undermines the national sovereignty of our nation. I deeply regret that you and your Government have taken this action and respectfully request that you withdraw your singnature from the Declaration. I similarly request, equally respectfully, that you, as well as all future ambassadors of the Republic of Argentina to Romania, never sign any Declarations in the future which directly or impliedly, comment or pass judgment on Romania’s internal affairs, including support for „sexual minorities”. We are a very traditional and socially conservative nation and our values have been deeply rooted in the Christian faith for nearly 2.000 years. Please respect our culture, values and sovereignty. Respectfully. [Adaugati numele]”
Adresele electronice la care va rugam sa trimiteti mesajele sunt urmatoarele: (1) Ambasadorul Felipe Alvarez de Toledo:; (2) Ministerul Afacerilor Externe al Argentinei:
Va rugam deasemenea sa transmiteti materialul nostru de azi la cit mai multi cu scopul de a fi informati si de a trimite si ei note de protest Ambasadorului Argentinei. Cei care aveti bloguri, va rugam sa postati nota noastra de protest si solicitarea catre cititorii vostri sa trimita si ei note de protest Ambasadorului Argentinei. Va multumim.
Articolul 16 din Declaratia Universala a Drepturilor Omului afirma: „Cu incepere de la implinirea virstei legale, barbatul si femeia, fara nici o restrictie in ce priveste rasa, nationalitatea sau religia, au dreptul de a se casatori si de a intemeia o familie. … Familia constituie elementul natural si fundamental al societatii si are dreptul la ocrotire din partea societatii si a statului”. Familia romana isi cere drepturile. Aceste drepturi le pledam, le-am pledat din 2006 incoace, si vom continua sa le pledam. Sunt cele mai pretioase dintre drepturi dar si cele mai abuzate azi. Pretuiti-le!
Material furnizat de catre Alianța Familiilor din România
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